Flight Training Books
This page contains a listing of books that can be bought through Amazon, an on-line bookshop, that may be required when training for a Private Pilots Licence.
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The Private Pilots Licence 4 part Course by Jeremy M. Pratt. SAVE (20%) off rrp
The Private Pilot’s Licence Course Book 1: Flying Training
The Private Pilot’s Licence Course Book 2: Air Law and RT
The Private Pilot’s Licence Course Book 3: Navigation, Meteorology and Flight Planning.
The Private Pilot’s Licence Course Book 5: Human Factors and Flight Safety
Questions and Answers for the PPL Course by Jim Stevens, Jeremy M. Pratt
The Air Pilots Manual by Trevor Thom.
Flying Training (Vol 1)
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Aviation Law and Meteorolgy (Vol 2)
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Air Navigation (Vol 3)
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The Aeroplane – Technical (Vol 4)
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Air Pilots Manual (Vol 5) Radio navigation and instrument flying
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Air Pilots Manual (Vol 6)
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Radiotelephony (Vol 7)
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Pilot and Aeronautical related Books
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Air Pilot’s Practical and Theoretical Weather Manual
by David Bruford SAVE (20%)
Cessna 150 by Jeremy M. Pratt
Cessna 152 by Jeremy M. Pratt
Cessna 172 by Jeremy M. Pratt
PA-28 Cherokee by Jeremy M. Pratt
PA-28 Warrior by Jeremy M. Pratt
Camber’s UK Airfields: 1996 by Jeremy M Pratt(Editor)
A lot of your links are to old editions of the PPL books, some dating back 20 years.
I know the Cessnas and Pipers haven’t got any younger (!) and flying hasn’t really changed much in 50 years but are the older editions still good course books to learn from or should I only get the latest editions?
Hello RG Kent, there is a lot of content that is old unfortunately. If I am provided new content I will upload it. Can you provide me with up to date flying manuals? Regards, Paul