Biggin Hill History – 1938

Biggin Hill History – 1938

By 1938 the number of inhabitants in Biggin Hill had grown and the MAPS OF 1939 show how much land had been sold and developed both in the Valley and along and behind Main Road and Westerham Road.

There was now a very wide range of shops and facilities available to serve the growth in population. This can be seen by looking at the listings from Kelly’s Directory 1938.

The main shopping area of Biggin Hill could be found along the Western side of Main Road. There were no shops on the Eastern side due to the covenant imposed after World War 1.

Among the shops were four butchers, Mr.Les Lyne of Lyne butchers informs me that two were owned by the Lyne family. One was at Southdown House, Main Road owned by Herbert George Lyne, the other was at Northdown House, Main Road owned by Sidney Louis Lyne. This is also shown in the Kelley’s Directory of 1938.

There were also fishmongers, chemists, hairdressers and a bank to name a few. The public would have received a personal service from such shops, with owners knowing their customers names. They may have had a delivery service too.

As mentioned earlier, the R.A.F. were now well established at the airfield and would have used the shops at Biggin Hill.

With the increasing number of motor vehicles in use by this time, there were garages and service stations and also plumbers and electrical engineers.

By 1938 the Number of tea and refreshment rooms had grown dramatically. Kelly’s directory lists nineteen showing that they were back in fashion.

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5 thoughts on “Biggin Hill History – 1938”

  1. My fathers family were gypsies living in Biggin hill he was born feb 1921 named George derrick DEVALL but when he joined army he couldn’t read or write so we think his surname should have been DUVAL . We never knew his side of family he wives to wales after the army married my mother daisy jones would love to trace his family tree if anyone could help

  2. How do I get Peter Osbourne ‘s second Volume
    RAF BIGGHIN HILL From the Battle of Britain to
    Biggin Hill Airport Publihed 2016/2017
    I Can’t find it on any website

  3. Hi, Any chance of a section on Biggin Hill from the end of the war – 1945 – up to 1957 ? It could include such things as the carnival parade in 1951 , and the story of Biggin Hill primary school – now Waitrose supermarket.

    1. Hi Bill,

      You wrote:

      Hi, Any chance of a section on Biggin Hill from the end of the war – 1945 – up to 1957 ? It could include such things as the carnival parade in 1951 , and the story of Biggin Hill primary school – now Waitrose supermarket.

      Happy to include a section as requested but will need someone to provide detail.



  4. Trying to find information on my grandmother she was in the women’s air force stationed at Biggin hill. Name Violet Taylor born 1919

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