Because of the long term use of asbestos, the United Kingdom has seen a marked increase in cases of the asbestos-caused cancer malignant mesothelioma in the past 20 years. The country’s Health and Safety Executive reports that only 153 cases of the disease were diagnosed in 1968. In 2006, the last year for which statistics are currently available, 2,056 individuals died of mesothelioma. Projections say cases of the disease in the UK will peak around 2015, with approximately 2,500 annual deaths from mesothelioma occurring around that time.
This use of asbestos in military ships makes this even more pertinent to the veterans of the UK. This is supported by the majority of sites with high incidence of mesothelioma being located in towns which were heavily involved in shipbuilding. For more information on asbestos use and treatment options within the UK visit mesothelioma/uk/. Please see BigginHill’s RAF Station page for more information and useful links.
For legal options for asbestos victims visit